Monday, February 18, 2013

Spring Is Here

We still have around a month for spring to be here but the weather is slowly changing. The long weekend was pleasant but for the cloudy Monday. Anyways, being from Punjab in India, I feel blessed to be living in California, for the weather cycle makes me feel so at home. Last week was one of our festivals to celebrate the onset for spring - Basant. We did not exactly do anything to celebrate  but I did dress in colours related to this festival.

Also, I am happy that with the month of Feb also coming to an end, I am being able to keep up with most of my new year resolutions. I know I haven't shared them but I believe in keeping my goals to myself till they become achievements :)

PS: Hues N Views now has a facebook page - here which will include blog updates, sneaks to new posts and other fun stuff!!!!


  1. Jasmine the outfit looks very pretty, and yes i am connected with you on facebook. I too have a page, have a look here it might be of any interest to you.

    1. aww thanks for the commment, this one is one of my personal fav post. All because of the outfit.....I checked out your page on facebook, it has great content, I have liked it to get constant updates of all the fun stuff :)

  2. Oh Thank you so much jasmine, you deserve all the praises! Also did you check out my blog, talks about fashion, lifestyle and music.
